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Posted by Menno van Steensel on

A Guide to AFL Betting For Beginners

A Guide to AFL Betting For Beginners

The Australian Football League, or AFL, is a professional football league consisting of 18 teams which play Australian Rules football. Founded in 1897, the league is governed by the AFL commission, and plays an annual championship.

During a typical season 23 matches are played between March and September, with the Grand Final rounds played over 4 weeks in September.

Posted by Menno van Steensel on

A Simple Guide To Success In Greyhound Racing

A Simple Guide To Success In Greyhound Racing

In Greyhound races betting pools are really quite small as a maximum of eight dogs can run in any race.  This means that a lot of shortly priced favourites might not offer the higher paying dividends as in harness or horse racing.

Therefore, exotic betting markets and Win bets are more popular in Greyhound betting, and if you have done your research and use the right betting methods, very generous wins are available to you.  Because the group of runners is smaller, it is easier to consider the odds and contenders, and makes this a really good sport to bet on.